What can you expect from taking my Mindfulness & Parenting Online Course?

Welcome to part 1 of a 3 part series on what to expect in this course.
Let me start by explaining how I define Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the practice of being right here, right now.
The definition is fairly simple right? Yet in this fast-paced world it can be difficult to sustain Mindfulness.
First, we are pulled in so many different directions.
It is easy to get caught up in our to do lists and obligations. Often, we are completing one task, and are thinking of all the other things we need to do. We might be spending time with our children, but worried about the state of our laundry pile or our to do list at work.
Second, what about all the worries we have?
Am I losing my patience too much? Will my kids turn into functioning adults? How come everyone else seems to have it all together?
If this sounds like you, you are not alone. But here’s the deal. When we are mindful in a given moment, we don’t feel pulled in multiple directions and our worries disappear. We are present…. Right here, right now.
Each week in my course, I will teach you a new way to practice Mindfulness at the beginning of each session. We are not talking about a major time investment. A few minutes a day can change your life the way it has changed mine.
Stay tuned to hear more about this course! Parts 2 and 3 coming soon…
Your investment in this 6 week course is $247. This includes:
- 6 live sessions, with time for Q & A
- Access to an exclusive online community of course graduates
- Monthly live Mindfulness practice and Q & A in the online community
- First 5 registrants receive a free 1 hour consult ($125 value) with me
Check out my free mini class to get a sample of the course! Register Here.
P.S. This course applies to parents of infants through teenagers. We all can use these skills!
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