About Me
Theresa Wiggins, M.Ed.
I am an educator, a business owner, a wife, a daughter, a sister, and, most importantly, a parent of three children.
I spent the first eight years of my 13-year teaching career as a special educator. I served students with a wide range of disabilities, including specific learning disabilities, ADHD, spectrum disorders, neurological impairments, developmental delays, communication impairments, and emotional and behavioral disabilities.
Later I became a general educator. I loved figuring out where my students were with a particular skill and then bringing them to the next level. At the same time, I taught them how to think about their own thinking, or understand their own process of learning.
I taught these same skills in the social arena, striving to help my students understand themselves as a part of our classroom community. Building a safe and vibrant community was a cornerstone of my practice.
Developing my curriculum of the home
When my third child was born, it made sense financially and logistically to stay home for a year. As one year turned into a few, I realized how much I enjoyed supporting my own children’s education from home.
That is to say, I loved supporting their teachers and the curriculum they were learning by providing routines, structure, and follow-up — my own curriculum of the home.
Research shows that family practices like these correspond with a child’s success in school. I realized that other parents wouldn’t necessarily know how to do this to best support their child’s education. Why would they?
Growing my village
I also spent years growing my village, which helps to replenish my parenting well. The village that my husband and I rely on is full of the people you’d expect: family members, personal mentors, and our children’s teachers.
But sometimes I’ve learned the most valuable lessons from other parents, especially those who parent differently than I do.
Promoting the happiness of the whole child
Having now been on both sides of the parent/educator equation, I’m passionate about helping other parents effectively manage their kids’ behavior and guide them through the schooling process.
Building a supportive village and creating an environment at home that sets a child up for success are essential in promoting the happiness of the whole child. Let me be a member of your village!
My credentials
Certified in General Education,