Introduction to Mindfulness
An 8-week in person or online course
Mindfulness is simply the act of being in the present moment no matter what internal or external experience arises.
While there can be many benefits to learning mindfulness, the benefits are simply byproducts. There are no goals in being mindful and there is nothing to achieve. However, the benefits that can occur may include:
Why Introduction to Mindfulness?
Learn techniques for tuning into your senses and your environment in a rich and meaningful way.
Mindfulness and Parenting
An 6-week in person or online course
If you’re curious about mindfulness and how it can positively impact your parenting, this course is for you. Learn how mindfulness can help you:
You’ll also have access to a private Facebook group with other parents in the course who share your interest in mindfulness and parenting.
Can’t make some sessions? No worries, you’ll receive a link to watch on your own time.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
The first 15 minutes of each session focus on a technique or topic for that week, followed by a talk on how this applies to parenting and/or other aspects of our everyday lives.
The remainder of the hour is a chance to engage in (or just listen to!) group discussion about how that week’s content can impact our daily lives.
Where do courses take place?
How do I get started?
Other ways we can work together
I also offer family and community engagement and mindfulness services for K-12 schools.