Village Parenting | Theresa Wiggins, M.Ed.

Behavioral Coaching and Educational Consultation

Parenting Circles

Village Parenting Circles

A safe and vibrant community is one of the cornerstones of good parenting. When we share the common goals of nurturing our children and respecting one another, we gain so much.

Create a village that you can lean on by gathering three or more people to meet once a week for four weeks or more, in the comfort of your own home or online.

I will lead and facilitate discussions on topics such as:

Behavior management strategies to create the home environment you desire
Setting your parenting intentions
Communicating effectively with your child’s school
Being a more mindful parent
Supporting your child’s education at home
Embracing your kids as they are
Making homework time less stressful

Or choose your own topics! Contact me for more information about creating your own Village Parenting Circle.

Other ways we can work together

I also offer family and community engagement and mindfulness services for K-12 schools.

Services for K-12 schools

Ready to get started?